Thursday, January 27, 2011

What's on TV?

I don't watch TV. That's not to say, I don't watch TV. Rather, I don't watch TV in the sense of following a show, following a schedule or remembering show times (unless you count Kids' cartoons on PBS, which I watch with my kids!). I watch my share of temporal sports events like Dallas Cowboys football, College Football and Basketball but beyond that, what ever is on for a few minutes between 6 and 7 in the evenings as we sit for a while after dinner. A big reason also, I must admit, are the kids. They keep me busy and I don't want to watch any crap when they are around the living area anyway.

I don't get TV shows. I am not sure if I am too cynical or the shows are that bad. A lot of people I like and admire watch shows such as "Jersey Shore", "Survivor" and other dramas too. I guess they watch it with a dose of inbuilt reality and detachment that they don't get carried away. They enjoy those shows while watching it and can talk about it later but still be grounded. Me, I watch it for a few minutes and go, "Man! That's a load of crap!" and turn it off.

I guess I should develop a sense of detachment and healthy appreciation for stuff around me and yet be not caught up in it.

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